youth ministry

Abandoning Our Selves To God, Even When It's Hard

Abandoning Our Selves To God, Even When It's Hard

This is the recording of a talk I gave to my fellow missionary youth ministers at Ablaze Ministries on the spirit of ourselves fully over to the Lord, even when it is difficult to do so.

So often, we who have been around the Church for a while have given our lives to the Lord generally but not in specific areas of our lives. God wants all of us. The more we give to Him, the more we can receive from Him.

The Lying Minister Epidemic

The Lying Minister Epidemic

I began my journey in ministry in 2008. I was often taught, either explicitly or by example of ministry leaders, to always bring your A-game to ministry, no matter what. Never show any weakness. Always look happy. Always make it look like you have it all figured out so that others will look at your perfect life and be inspired to live holy lives. There are two problems with that. First, who doesn't have any weaknesses, is always happy and lives a perfect life? Second, why are we lying to people, including ourselves?

Go Forth I Will Be With You (Audio)

Go Forth I Will Be With You (Audio)

A sending forth for those who work or volunteer in ministry. We walk through the stories in Scripture of many who were called and sent to share the good news of the Father. We also look at the beginning of Ad Gentes, the Vatican II document on missionary activity and what it means for those called and sent by God into ministry. We end with the overwhelming list of the promises of God that He is always with us.

If you need some encouragement in your ministry, give this a listen.