allison sullivan

Theft, Exercising Demons & Unity Game w/ Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 384

Theft, Exercising Demons & Unity Game w/ Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 384

Allison does something to Taylor that is one of his biggest pet peeves so he calls her out on it! Taylor shares some good news about his track team utilizing a fun play on words. Finally, they play a new TikTok game that is fun, even though Allison talks gibberish through most of it. Enjoy!

Anger Management & Catholic Questions w/ Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 380

Anger Management & Catholic Questions w/ Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 380

Taylor has a laundry list of things currently driving him into fits of rage. Allison does her best to help him through it. As the Lenten season begins to wrap up, join us in our suffering. Misery loves company! They laugh through it and Allison shares her classic fiery preaching skills to guide us through times when anger wells up.

Kathryn Whitaker's First Guest Appearances | Forte Flashback

Kathryn Whitaker's First Guest Appearances | Forte Flashback

We're doing a Forte Flashback this week, highlighting our cohost Kathryn Whitaker's first two appearances on the podcast as a guest. These conversations were the seeds planted that eventually led to her joining us on a monthly basis.

GOF Wedding, Internet Friends & Long Homilies w/ Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 377

GOF Wedding, Internet Friends & Long Homilies w/ Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 377

Taylor shares about traveling to North Carolina for the GOF wedding, having a great time with dozens of internet friends he met in person for the first time & some new fancy food that made him realize he's an idiot. This leads to Allison sharing about her own wedding & some hilarious stories of her kids in Mass.

Love Languages & Mosaics w/ Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 373

Love Languages & Mosaics w/ Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 373

This is the kindest and holiest episode we've done in a WHILE! Taylor & Allison rediscover the Five Love Languages with some new insight they haven't seen before that apply to all the relationships in our lives. They also say very kind things about a lot of people in their lives while discussing how it takes an entire community for us to see all the attributes of God.

The Christmas Episode! w/ Aaron Weber | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 369

The Christmas Episode! w/ Aaron Weber | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 369

Merry Christmas from all of us to all of you! The gang is all hear with our yearly guest, comedian Aaron Weber. All three cohosts join in the celebrations to discuss what we love & hate about this season, if Mary knew & questioning some holiday traditions.

Mid-Life Crisis, Life Verse & Converts w/The Cordial Catholic | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 363

Mid-Life Crisis, Life Verse & Converts w/The Cordial Catholic | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 363

Taylor asks Allison Sullivan if he's too young to have a mid-life crisis because he would like to. They talk about what's been going on and how to find a way out of it. They also play a silly game to lighten the mood. Taylor is also joined by Keith of The Cordial Catholic to chat about being more welcoming to non-Catholics & assisting with their formation.

Money Stress & DaVine Jesus w/Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 358

Money Stress & DaVine Jesus w/Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 358

Allison joins Taylor as he shares about something most people keep pretty close to their chest: money. He shares that money has been a constant stressor for over a decade and Allison thinks he's not alone. They discuss financial stressors, the pit of comparison & what role money plays in on spiritual lives. Allison also helps Taylor prep two new talks on the Vine & Branches and Martha & Mary.

Unique Callings, Egyptian Moses & Positive Reinforcement w/ Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 354

Unique Callings, Egyptian Moses & Positive Reinforcement w/ Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 354

Taylor & Allison both share about their vastly different summers. Allison took on a new mission while Taylor dealt with something he never thought he would have to. They also discuss what we can still learn from Moses 4000 years later about choosing the right thing even if it's not the easy thing & share a moving story about how positive reinforcements can truly work wonders.

Cupcakes, Leprechauns & Humility w/Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 335

Cupcakes, Leprechauns & Humility w/Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 335

Allison Sullivan joins Taylor Schroll as he shares about how a recent reflection on the Creation story really broke his brain in regards to the balance between confidence and humility. They also discuss how Catholics should think about legacy, what we learn from St. Joseph's inadequacy & how we can bring peace into any situation.

Negative Feedback & Catholic Feminism w/Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 331

Negative Feedback & Catholic Feminism w/Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 331

Taylor & Allison discuss movies from before Taylor was born, self-talk and how both negative & positive reinforcement can be helpful. Allison also shares about her recent trip to Patricia Heaton's house(!) for a gathering of Catholic pro-life ladies.

Self-worth, Burnout & Hearts of Joy w/Lauren Costabile & Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 326

Self-worth, Burnout & Hearts of Joy w/Lauren Costabile & Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 326

Taylor & Allison discuss self-worth & dealing with burnout. They are also joined by Lauren Costabile to talk about her work with Hearts of Joy which provides the love, care and life-saving surgeries that children with Down Syndrome need around the world.

Broken Podcaster, Soccer, Spelling Bees & Anxiety w/Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 318

Broken Podcaster, Soccer, Spelling Bees & Anxiety w/Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 318

Allison Sullivan joins Taylor as he shares how podcasting has broken him in two ways: one during Mass and the other in normal conversations. They also discuss their thoughts on soccer, the World Cup, spelling bees and dealing with anxiety.

Expectations, Virtue & the Environment w/Meghan Adams & Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 314

Expectations, Virtue & the Environment w/Meghan Adams & Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 314

Taylor & Allison discuss how expectations can really ruin experiences and pick each other's best and worst virtues. Fun! Meghan Adams joins the show to chat about Catholic's role in being good stewards of the environment.

Enemies, She-Hulk & Struggling to Forgive w/Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 310

Enemies, She-Hulk & Struggling to Forgive w/Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 310

Taylor & Allison discuss how their list of enemies continues to get longer. How did this happen? What is wrong with us? And how do we deal with this internally while struggling to forgive. They also chat about the recent Marvel show "She-Hulk." The show as a blast and highlighted some great issues in a manner that was quite enjoyable.