Forte Catholic Podcast Episode 240

Fr. Anthony cohosts what is probably our funniest show of the year! We kick it off by bringing back the old Life Verse segment to decide what the Life Verse for the show is. This leads to a conversation on if Mary could have possibly influenced the Gospels...hmm...

Next, Taylor shares a hot take about virtue signaling he's been holding back for a while. Should Christians bash virtue signaling or champion it? Strap in...this one's a wild ride!!!

The final segment is really really special. We have two more videos of Fr. Anthony making mistakes in Mass AND BOY ARE THESE HILARIOUS! We watch the videos and then ask him to explain himself lol. All good fun :)


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Episode art by Becka Gerhart

All music used on the show is by Brandon “BeTheSymbol” Morel. Find his music at

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