Road to Rings of Power | The Return of the King | Presented by Forte Catholic & Tea with Tolkien

Taylor Schroll is a Tolkien newb so he asks the pro, Kaitlyn Facista, all of his questions about the Two Towers movie. Amazon Prime's tentpole Tolkien show, Rings of Power, launches next week! Every Friday leading up to the show's release, we've discussed one of the Lord of the Rings movies, their primary plot points, our favorite moments and especially the things that will connect to Rings of Power.

Taylor hasn't interacted with any of Tolkien's works in a decade but the launch of this show has him excited to jump back in! Kaitlyn is a Tolkien pro who is one of the leading thinkers in the Tolkien world.

Revisit these incredible Tolkien works and their movie adaptations with us as we count down the days to Rings of Power.

This week, we explore the plot, favorites moments & key connections to the second age in The Return of the King

Part One/The Fellowship of the Ring here:

Part Two/The Two Towers here:

Connect with Kaitlyn: @teawithtolkien on Instagram & Twitter