Forte Catholic

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Year of Mercy Kickoff!

Happy Advent! Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception! Happy Kickoff of the Year of Mercy as proclaimed by Pope Francis! ITS A CELEBRATION! 

So much excitement in one day that I couldn't contain it. I just knew I had to share something with you guys but I didn't know what. Then when I was driving in my car this weekend, with children screaming in the back seat, God sent me a moment of mercy. The song "Mercy" by Matt Redman came on and I knew it was just the thing to share with y'all. 

So today, I set out to record it in the Church. But all day, the LOL's(the term of endearment for the church Little Old Ladies) were decorating the Church for Advent/Christmas so I couldn't record in the Church as planned. So I set out to find a small room where I wouldn't bother anyone. As I thought of small rooms secluded from everyone, the best place I could think of was the confessional! What a perfect place to kick off the year of mercy! 

So here is the recording. I hope you enjoy it...and get to a confessional some time soon. Advent is a great time to return to the Lord and restore your relationship with Him. I am hoping and praying that He breathes new life into you and me this season.

